Para los que estén interesados, vamos a ofrecer un MOOc (massive open online “course”) “spanish 38” que será una extensión del curso en BCC Spanish 38, Introducción a la Literatura Latinoamericana, de la primavera del 2013. Este MOOC es enteramente en español, no es por crédito, no requiere asistencia obligatoria, no tendrá exámenes u otro tipo de evaluación…
Tag: English
The challenges of teaching online composition classes
(in-progress – for the 2013 edition of magazine Connections – FLANC) The importance of confronting the challenges of online classes and preventing those challenges, I would suggest, is more important than foreseeing the opportunities the classes will offer. The possibilities are unlimited in every class. However, understanding its level of unpredictability, seem to be common ground on online…