MOOCs may be great as OER artifacts but from a practical pedagogical perspective, they are definitely not courses/classes. Classes are not (or should not be) simply unidirectional lectures or broadcastings. Classes require interaction and the development of ideas. Students construct the class; the teacher is just the guide and helper. The job of the teacher is to…
Category: Technology
MOOCs and etc.
I am definitely not against MOOCs. I think everyone should open their courses, share materials, teach in the wild and understand the OER paradigm. I just disagree with the opinion that MOOCs are or can replace courses. At least not the MOOCs I have seen and I have seen many. I think the problem is…
Video CEL-MOOC#1
more about the CEL-MOOC group < a link
Algunas ideas sobre los MOOCs
Recientemente, o quizás en el cronómetro del internet: desde hace eones, comenzamos a ver la popularización de este nuevo fenómeno educativo y de los espacios socio-virtuales llamados MOOCs. La intención de este artículo es ofrecer información básica para aquellos que tengan dudas o curiosidad sobre estos nuevos artefactos educativos socio-virtuales y no encuentren información…
The tip of the iceberg in the area of instructional technology
In response to: @suifaijohnmak: Tell me more about this beginning of the instructional technology universe. Do you mean MOOCs or something more? I definitely think that we are seeing only the tip of the iceberg in the area of instructional technology. MOOCs are solid and dynamic new paradigms; but in the near future, the possibilities in this…
Posted in response to a conversation about “changes in academia” with a friend of mine
It is not that simple here in the US my dear friend John. Perhaps things are different in Australia or Europe, I do not know; but here in the US in academia, if you are tenure track or looking for a job, you do not have the power to question the status quo. Graduate schools…
#MOOCs y OERs en español
El escaso discurso sobre el #MOOC en español se está volviendo una desarticulada traducción, en algunos casos hasta inexacta, de los imaginarios virtual de este tema en el inglés. Esta necesidad de validación e inseguridad que se presenta al utilizar inclusive terminología foránea al español nos plantea una dificultad ideológica y de parámetros. Con el…
MOOCs y la contracultura
El gran problema con el fenómeno de los MOOCs es que hay ciertos principios fundamentales en ese artefacto sintáctico del MOOC que se auto-contradicen. NO implica esto que la idea del MOOC sea un disparate. Muy por el contrario. Si bien podríamos decir que la idea del MOOC va a quedar en desuso con el…
The day the MOOC invented Social Media (a very short perspective about MOOCs)
by Fabian Banga After exploring this idea of the MOOC for several months, participating in several of them and reading everything I could find about this topic, I honestly think that the last C in MOOC should be seriously reconsidered or substituted for something more appropriate. Perhaps MOOE (for Event) would be more meaningful. Furthermore,…
2013 RMMLA-Vancouver (USA) – Call for Papers
Open Education: Challenges and Possibilities* Contact: Fabian Banga, Berkeley City College; Description: Challenges and opportunities with the use of open learning materials and technologies, including any learning, teaching and research resources in the public domain; such as open courses and course materials (courseware), open textbooks, and MOOCs . *2013 RMMLA-VANCOUVER (USA)
Contemporary Latin American literature – MOOC
Para los que estén interesados, vamos a ofrecer un MOOc (massive open online “course”) “spanish 38” que será una extensión del curso en BCC Spanish 38, Introducción a la Literatura Latinoamericana, de la primavera del 2013. Este MOOC es enteramente en español, no es por crédito, no requiere asistencia obligatoria, no tendrá exámenes u otro tipo de evaluación…